TEAMS for Medical Missions
PO Box 215 ~ Macungie, PA 18062
February 3, 2017
Dear Ministry Partners,
It is hard to believe that Harold and Teri Nichols joined the T4MM family 14 years ago. In that time they have ministered to thousands of children and adults all over Jamaica and to hundreds of Americans who have participated on our J-Teams. Their heart for God and for people has been evident to everyone they have come in contact with, and the legacy they have established is known far and wide here on the island. They have impacted Jamaica through children’s ministry, construction ministry, mentoring, supporting local church ministries, providing physical aid, and allowing the love and life of Jesus to shine through them to every person they encountered.
After the loss of Harold last April, life and ministry drastically changed for Teri. Losing the love of her life and her partner in ministry was devastating. The following few months were extremely difficult, but Teri was determined to stay the course in Jamaica until and unless God directed her elsewhere. This letter is to communicate to you that God is now directing her to a new full-time ministry with a different mission organization.
Changing ministries can be very difficult, especially if you are a missionary. You have a large number of ministry partners who are behind you, believe in you, and support you, and the fear is that that partnership might be broken by a change in ministry direction. For this reason we encourage you as a ministry partner of Teri’s to continue your partnership with her as she moves into this new phase of ministry. TEAMS for Medical Missions has been Teri and Harold’s mission agency for these past 14 years, and while we will miss Teri terribly, we fully support this move. Teri still has so much to offer, but it is not healthy for her to stay and serve in Jamaica, and since T4MM’s focus is Jamaica, it only makes sense for her to continue ministering with another like-minded mission. Teri’s sending church, East Randolph United Methodist, is also fully behind this shift and will continue to be her sending church.
Teri’s new phase of ministry will be ministering to International Students at Purdue University in West Lafayette, Indiana with Faith Global Missions ( Her full-time ministry responsibilities will include: hosting students in her home; meeting students on campus for Bible studies and counsel; facilitating a women’s weekly Bible study; facilitating lunches and weekly activities for the on-campus student fellowship; helping students with language learning; and being involved with weekly planning meetings and follow up. There are about 10,000 international students who attend Purdue University – the harvest is plentiful and the students are open to the message of the gospel. The exciting part of international student ministry is having the opportunity to disciple students who will return to their home countries prepared to share the gospel with their people. Some students are from countries closed to the gospel, making this a most effective ministry.
Teri’s last day with T4MM will be May 31, 2017. Beginning April 1, we are asking you, her ministry partner, to begin redirecting your financial support to her account with Faith Global Missions. You will be receiving information shortly on how exactly to do that. By law, all funds received by T4MM for Teri after May 31, would have to be returned to the giver. Teri will still be hosting the February and May J-Teams as well as being intricately involved with the transition process in Jamaica.
Teri has a bright future and hope, and we are pleased the Lord has seen fit to direct her to a ministry that she is both designed for and will be able to impact young internationals for Christ. Continue to pray for Teri, and continue to partner with her in this new phase of ministry. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me at the home office.
John Heater
Executive Director
TEAMS for Medical Missions