TEAMS for Medical Missions
PO Box 215 ~ Macungie, PA 18062
Ephesians 5:15-17 – “Redeeming the time because the days are evil.”
Life can be hectic and full, making us feel like we need to move at a frenetic pace. At times it is necessary. But in the process, we often blow right by divine appointments without even realizing it. Ephesians 5:16 tells us to redeem the time because the days are evil. There are two words for time used in Scripture: Chronos and Kairos. Chronos refers to chronological time – a specific time or amount of time. Kairos refers to an opportunity. Ephesians 5:16 uses Kairos, telling us to make the most of every opportunity because the days are evil. Many of our stateside responsibilities here at T4MM involve details, ordering things, arranging travel, communicating, raising funds, reporting, planning and recruiting. Many of our Jamaica-side responsibilities involve details, fixing things, communicating, resolving conflict, maintaining property in the tropics, transportation – oh, and ministering to people. If we are not careful, our days will fill up with grocery lists of things we need to accomplish, leaving us with little to no time to fulfill the real purpose of ministry – to minister to people! What would it look like to catch a glimpse of God’s to do list that He has created for me for tomorrow? I wonder how closely my list would match His list. Is it possible to know what His to do list is for me? Would He share it with me? I should smile. Of course He will share it with me – but I must ask, listen, look, and do. First, I need to start my day asking for His to do list. Then I need to listen for what He tells me – what He puts on my heart and mind to do. Next, I need to look for opportunities to minister – look for those divine appointments. When I ask, listen, and look, God will reveal His to do list – not necessarily all at once, but throughout the day. All that will be left, is to do what God nudges me to do as each divine appointment pops up.
Why is it important to make the most of every opportunity on any given day? Ephesians 5:16 tells us, because the days are evil. Things in this world are not getting better, they are getting worse. And they will continue to deteriorate until Christ returns and makes all things right and new again. I cannot wait until that day comes! But the downside to that day coming, is that the window of opportunity for those without Christ to turn to Him, will be closed forever. My encouragement to you, as it is to myself, is to make the most of every opportunity to share the gospel and impact people for Jesus Christ, because time is short, and no one is promised tomorrow.