TEAMS for Medical Missions

PO Box 215 ~ Macungie, PA 18062

Consider Something More

Often when people think of missionaries, they think of someone living in another country serving full-time for the rest of their lives. While that definition can fit, there are lots of other definitions that can fit as well:
Regular – we have several individuals who have chosen to make J-Teams a regular part of their schedule. Some come every other year, some come yearly, some even come more than once a year. The roles these folks play have grown and continue to grow. Consider joining their ranks.
Seasonal – perhaps you have a larger block of vacation time that you would like to use ministering in Jamaica. Talk to us – opportunities abound!
Short term – perhaps you are between jobs or you have lots of discretionary time or your time is extremely
Flexible – talk to us, opportunities for ministry abound!
Targeted – perhaps you have a burden for specific ministry needs in Jamaica – talk to us to determine how you can be a part of ministering to those needs either personally in Jamaica or from afar.
Full-time partners in Jamaica – yes, we also need those kinds of missionaries – living in Jamaica serving full-time, at least for a while, if not for the rest of their lives. Talk to us.