TEAMS for Medical Missions
PO Box 215 ~ Macungie, PA 18062
In some ways pharmacy must be in my DNA. I started officially working at my Dad’s pharmacy when I was just 11 years old. I am so thankful that my Dad was a Christian pharmacist who influenced me to have compassion and love for the patients we served. After working at the family store a few years, I decided that I also wanted to be a pharmacist. I was blessed to study and graduate from the same school of pharmacy that my Dad did. It’s hard to believe that was 25 years ago.
I honestly believe God led me to choose pharmacy as my profession. I have no regrets and would make the same decision all over again. God knew there would be a unique career opportunity down the road for me to combine my love of pharmacy and missions. Being a missionary pharmacist is a perfect mixture as I get to use free medicines and medical care to open doors for sharing the Gospel. I am so thankful that God uses my profession to help advance his kingdom in Jamaica. After all, I am just a humble pharmacist that desires to serve God.
I am so thankful for the many Christian pharmacists that I have befriended through the years. Joyce Grubb and I graduated together and we have remained close friends ever since. In 2004, when I became a missionary with TEAMS, Joyce said I was going to need other pharmacists to help me at the clinics in Jamaica. Boy, was she ever right! On average Joyce has served once a year on a J-Team, and she is not alone. Sixteen different pharmacists have served alongside me for more than 13 years. Most of the pharmacists have served multiple times. I am so blessed by their faithful partnership. Pharmacist Susie Partridge from Ohio holds the record at 23 trips. We are always looking for new pharmacists to volunteer.
In order to increase our pool of pharmacists I am pursuing involving pharmacy school students on our J-Teams. Hopefully, in August 2019 we will have a student from Highpoint University join us on the J-Team serving as a pharmacist. This will be an elective for the student providing them college credit while gaining missions experience. Please join me in prayer that this opportunity will come to fruition.
I am so thankful for my first 25 years as a pharmacist. I pray God will continue to use my skills and love of pharmacy for many years to come. I am the most blessed pharmacist I know to be serving with TEAMS in Jamaica and in Pennsylvania!
-Anne Clay