TEAMS for Medical Missions

PO Box 215 ~ Macungie, PA 18062

J-Team Dates


August 3-11

November 2-10


February 1-9

May 3-11

August 2-10

November 1-9


February 7-15

May 2-10

August 1-9

November 7-15

J-Teams Information

TEAMS for Medical Missions is about healing the body, making disciples, and strengthening the local church in Jamaica. Our J-Teams are focused on providing needed medical care and medicines on an ongoing basis, opportunities to hear and respond to the gospel, and meeting physical needs through construction.

Each J-Team is comprised of providers, nurses, pharmacists, clinic clerk, encouragers, kids/sports ministry team members, and builders.

Medical Team

Team of providers, nurses, pharmacists, and clinic clerk; churches host the clinics; we bring the pharmacy all at no charge—think frontier medicine: no labs, no insurance companies, no paperwork, no machines. We are St. Mary Parish’s family physician and have been for more than 15 years. If you have medical training, you can help (MD, DO, GP, OB/GYN, ENT, PA,  RN, LPN, MA, EMT, PT, etc.)



Opportunities for evangelism abound in the clinics, at the schools, and on the building site. All J-Team members are encouraged to seize opportunities as they arise, but we also seek to have an individual or two on the team whose primary role is to listen to, talk and pray with, and bring the Word of God to bear on the concerns of people waiting to be seen at the clinic.

Kids/Sports Ministry

Opportunities to work with children in a VBS Club format (August); lead devotions in schools (Feb, May, Nov); minister to children, teens, and young adults through TEAMS Faith Academy with our ministry team members; assist our missionaries through Kids/Sports ministry.

Building Team

We build structures to help individuals, churches, or schools in need. We need 3-5 men who enjoy working with their hands. Skilled labor is a plus, but not required. All tools and supervision    are supplied.


The 3 important qualifications for J-Team members to have.

Physical health is important.

The schedule involves full workdays which can be quite demanding. It is very hot and humid at the clinics, schools, and work sites.

Spiritual health is key.

J-Teamers are growing Christians with a desire to share their faith with others in word and deed.

Emotional health is vital.

Flexibility, a heart to serve, being a team player, along with the understanding that life is not about you is necessary. Come with a teachable spirit.

How to join a J-Team?

  • Need a valid passport that will not expire for at least 6 months after trip
  • Check space availability for your trip date with the TEAMS office (J-Team weeks begin the first Saturday of every February, May, August, and November)
  • Complete the J-Team registration form
  • TEAMS will notify you of your acceptance
  • Send in $100 deposit as trip confirmation

In case the week you choose is full, please indicate if you can be placed on a waiting list for any cancellations for your requested trip or a future one.

Cost = $1,250 + Airfare:

  • This covers your deposit, all expenses in Jamaica (except food at airport, souvenirs, Saturday activities), trip medical insurance, and administrative costs. A small portion also helps to cover pharmaceuticals, building supplies, and teaching materials for your specific J-Team.

When are fees due?

  • $100 non-refundable deposit due upon acceptance to a specific J-Team
  • Balance due 4 weeks before departure